Colin’s surgery and an update on Zoe

Colin had surgery to have his ear tubes removed today. He had them put in a little over two years ago. Many kids’ tubes would have just come out on their own by now, but of course Colin’s stayed put. Several weeks ago he had blood coming out of his left ear, and we found out that one of the tubes was starting to move. The doctor thought it might come out on its own, but he had a check up last week and it had not. Wax was also building up around it, so he thought it best to remove it.

After surgery the doctor told us today that the left one is fine now, but that the hole in the right eardrum is on the “larger side” or what he “likes to see,” so he was glad that we made the decision to remove both. We see him again in four weeks, hoping that the right one heals on its own and doesn’t have to be re-patched.

I was a little nervous about Colin having anesthesia. He’s had it twice before and he was pretty grumpy coming out of it and for the rest of the day after. He was great today though. He charmed all of the nurses and rode a wagon into the OR with no problem. He came out a snuggled with me until they released us. He took a nap with us when he came home and then a four hour nap in the afternoon.

Zoe has been fine since Sunday after her trip to the ER. We went to the pediatrician yesterday, and she thinks we should just wait and see rather than doing further testing right now. She said she does not think it was a seizure because she was not still seizing when Christian turned around. She said it would be different if Christian had not been close to her and found her immediately. She did say that it would be really good to have some family history in a situation like this (wasn’t I just saying that!?).

I’ve noticed that Zoe has seemed a little clumsy the past few days, so maybe she did fall. It’s a little concerning that she suddenly seems extra clumsy though, but I guess we just have to watch and wait.

9 thoughts on “Colin’s surgery and an update on Zoe

  1. Has her speech really improved or regressed? I know my kids all got really really clumsy when they had a new skill or a rapid growth spurt. The adage, “Can’t walk & talk at the same time” held new meaning for me. When little miss was talking well, she couldn’t walk well, & when she was walking well, she couldn’t talk well. Two of my older kids would regress verbally when they were in a growth spurt & one of them was really really clumsy during growth spurts. HTH J

  2. Ugh – it’s so hard. Parenting is not for wimps. For the record, if it’s any consolation, my kids all go through clumsy phases that I”m sure are related to some developmental milestone but I suppose they could be related to sleep or diet or growth or any number of issues. I really see them on Addy at gymnastics where it’s very obvious. And right now she’s suddenly ambidextrous again after a year of solid right-handedness. It’s a mystery. But I think preschool years are full of mysteries like this and funny, asynchronous, development or periods of backward progress.

  3. It’s good to read that both Zoe and Colin seem to be doing fine now, I really hope that continues. If Zoe’s clumsiness becomes a concern for you, you might want to keep a diary of her little mishaps before any invasive (and expensive!) neurological tests. We did with our clumsy kid and were surprised to find she never, ever watched where she was going. The doctor’s prescription…ballet class and a pair of roller skates.

  4. It’s good to read that both Zoe and Colin seem to be doing well now, I really hope that continues. If Zoe’s clumsiness becomes a concern for you, you might want to keep a diary of her little mishaps before any invasive (and expensive!) neurological tests. We did with our clumsy kid and were surprised to find she never, ever watched where she was going. The doctor’s prescription…ballet class and a pair of roller skates.

  5. Wow, mama. Glad Colin did ok and there have been no repeats with Zoe.
    I might be a pain, but if I thought LB fainted, because I DONT have family history i would push for testing. But, you know I am a stickler.

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